AT89S52 With the emergence of the domestic super-large scale integrated circuits, microprocessors and peripheral chips has been rapid development. Integration technology is one of the latest devel...
按摩器 中文译文 按摩器是根据物理学,仿生学,生物电学、中医学以及多年临床实践而研制开发出的新一代保健器材。它不仅拥有八大仿真功能,让您确实体会到针灸、推拿、按摩、锤击、火罐、刮痧、瘦身、免疫调节八...
Design of temperature acquisition system based on single chip microcomputer Peoples life and temperature are inseparable, they only in the appropriate environment, at the appropriate temperature, ...
PLC的发展史及前景 可编程控制器(programmable controller)是计算机家族中的一员,是为工业变送器控制应用而设计制造的。早期的可编程控制器称作可编程逻辑控制器(programmable logic controller),简...