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摘 要
Along with the electronic measurement and other departments of the various types of signal generator of the extensive demand and the rapid development of electronic technology, prompting signal generator increased range, performance improvement.In scientific research, engineering education and practice, should often use a waveform generator.Such as industrial process control, teaching experiment, mechanical vibration, the biomedical field.Signal generator as a universal electronic equipment, in the production, scientific research, measurement and control, communications and other fields have been widely used, which caused the great attention of the industry, has broad development prospect.
At present, the long-term use of the signal generator are mostly constituted by analog circuits, such instruments as the signal source, frequency of hundred Hz, in the high frequency range of the high frequency stability, it is good.For low frequency signal output, the RC value is large, it is difficult to guarantee the accuracy of the parameters, and large volume, big loss.At present, studies have made by digital circuit composed of a waveform generator, the low-frequency performance is good, but larger, more expensive price.
This design uses a STC89C52 and a DAC0832 converter into a low frequency signal generator, then LM324 will amplify the signal, to generate square wave, triangle wave, sine wave, sawtooth wave and other wave, it is characterized by low price, high performance, stability in low frequency range, convenient operation, good volume small, low power consumption, and has simple circuit, compact structure, convenient use and the like.
Key words: single chip microcomputer; DAC; signal generator; waveform
目 录
摘 要 2
目 录 4
第一章 绪论 5
1.1单片机概述 5
1.2信号发生器的分类 5
1. 3研究内容.......................................................6
1. 4设计任务.......................................................6
第二章 方案的设计与选择 7
2.1方案的比较 7
2.2设计原理 7
2.3设计思想 8
2.5模数转换芯片的选择 9
第三章 硬件设计 10
3.1硬件原理框图 10
3.2主控电路 10
3.3数、模转换电路 11
3.4按键接口电路 12
3.5时钟电路 12
3.6显示电路 13
第四章 软件设计与调试 14
4.1程序流程图.................................................... 14
4.2软件调试 .............14
第五章 总结与展望 17
致 谢 18
参考文献 19
附录1电路原理图 20
附录2 源程序 21
第五章 总结与展望
(1) 把频率的变化范围扩展。
(2) 减少波形的干扰。
(3) 设计上位机与计算机进行通信。