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摘要:正交频分复用是一种多载波宽带数字调制技术,它具有频带利用率高和抗多径干扰能力强等优点,因而适合于高速率的无线通信系统。本文介绍了OFDM基本原理,基于Matlab详细讨论了如何构建立一个完整的OFDM动态仿真系统。对OFDM 系统调制与解调技术进行了解析,得到了OFDM 符号的一般表达式,给出了OFDM 系统参数设计公式和加窗技术的原理及基于IFFT/FFT 实现的OFDM 系统模型,阐述了运用IDFT 和DFT 实现OFDM 系统的根源所在,重点研究了理想同步情况下,保护时隙(CP)、加循环前缀前后和不同的信道内插方法在高斯信道和多径瑞利衰落信道下对OFDM系统性能的影响。在给出OFDM系统模型的基础上,用MATLAB语言实现了传输系统中的计算机仿真并给出参考设计程序。本文的目的是用Matlab代码仿真OFDM信号的产生、发送、信道、与接收。以OFDM系统在数字视频广播(DVB)应用为例进行仿真。此仿真系统能够很好地模拟OFDM传输系统,为进一步深入研究OFDM通信系统提供了便利。
关键词: 正交频分复用;仿真;信道;Matlab
MATLAB Simulation and Performance Analysis
of OFDM System
Abstract:Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing(OFDM) is a multi-carrier broadband digital modulation techniques. It has the advantages of high bandwidth efficiency and the ability of anti-multipath interference, and thus suitable for high-speed wireless communications system..After describing the basic structure of OFDM scheme, we discussed how to design a simulation model of OFDM based on Matlab. This paper analyzes the modulation and demodulation of OFDM system, obtaining a general expression of OFDM mark, and giving the design formulas of system parameters, principle of windowing technique, OFDM system model based on IFFT/FFT, the origin which achieves the OFDM system by using IDFT and DFT. Then, the influence of CP and different channel estimation on the system performance is emphatically analyzed respectively in Gauss and Rayleigh fading channels in the condition of ideal synchronization. The purpose of this report is to provide Matlab code to simulate the basic processing involved in the generation and reception of an OFDM signal in a physical channel and to provide a description of each of the steps involved. For this purpose, we shall use, as an example, one of the proposed OFDM signals of the Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB). The simulation results show that the proposed model to the transmission system of OFDM is significant, and this model also provides convenience for researching OFDM communication system in the future.
Key words: OFDM; Simulation; channel;Matlab
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1简述 1
1.2 OFDM基本原理概述 1
1.2.1 OFDM的产生和发展 1
1.2.2 串并变换 3
1.2.3 子载波调制 3
1.2.4 DFT的实现 6
1.2.5 保护间隔、循环前缀 7
第二章 OFDM仿真结构 9
2.1 OFDM传输系统 9
2.2 OFDM仿真构建 11
第三章 OFDM仿真实现及结果 13
3.1 OFDM 发送模块 13
3.2 OFDM符号的产生 15
3.3 OFDM 接收部分 19
总结 24
致谢 25
参考文献 26
附录A:OFDM发送部分代码 27
附录B:OFDM接收部分代码 30
总 结